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The Kano model is a tool that enables product discovery teams to understand customer expectations and create products that effectively meet their needs and wants. This model was developed by Dr. Noriaki Kano in the 1980s and has become a widely used tool in the industry.

What is the Kano model?

The Kano model is based on the idea that customers’ needs and wants are constantly changing, and that companies must adapt to these changing demands if they are to succeed. The Kano model classifies the characteristics of a product into three categories:

  • Basic characteristics: are those characteristics that are taken for granted and expected of a product. If these characteristics are not present, the product is considered unsatisfactory.
  • Linear characteristics are those that are in direct proportion to the level of customer satisfaction. The more of these characteristics you have, the more satisfied the customer will be.
  • Exciting features are those that surprise the customer and create a high level of satisfaction. These features are not expected and can make the customer feel excited about the product.

How is the Kano model used in product discovery?

In product discovery, the Kano model is used to understand customers’ needs and wants in relation to a product or service. Product discovery teams use the Kano model to identify which features are basic, linear, or exciting to customers. In this way, they can design a product that satisfies customer needs and, at the same time, surprises and excites them.

To use the Kano model in product discovery, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Conduct market research to understand customer needs and wants.
  2. Identify the basic, linear, and exciting features of a product for customers.
  3. Design a product that has all the basic characteristics, and contains a balance between linear and excitation characteristics.
  4. Test the product with potential customers to verify that it meets their expectations and needs.
  5. Iterate the product based on customer feedback to improve customer satisfaction and excite them even more.

Benefits of the Kano model in product discovery

The Kano model has numerous benefits for product discovery, among which the following stand out:

  • Improves customer satisfaction: by understanding customer needs and desires, you can design a product that satisfies and excites them, which in turn increases customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce the risk of failure: the Kano model helps product discovery teams to design products that have a high probability of success in the market, which reduces the risk of failure.
  • Improved efficiency in product design: by knowing the features that are important to customers, a product can be designed more efficiently and effectively.
  • Generates competitive advantage: designing a product that has exciting features can generate a competitive advantage for the company.
  • Facilitates decision-making: the Kano model helps product discovery teams make more informed product design decisions.

Example of application of the Kano model in product discovery

An example of how the Kano model can be used in product discovery is the following:

Suppose we are designing a new product for the technology industry. We conduct market research to understand customer needs and wants, and use the Kano model to classify the features of a product into three categories.

  • Basic features: a long-lasting battery, a high-resolution display, and a fast processor.
  • Linear features: more memory, faster internet connection speed, better camera.
  • Exciting features: facial recognition, foldable screen, wireless charging.

We use this information to design a product that has all the basic features, contains a balance between linear and excitation features, and is attractive to potential customers.

We proceed to test the product with potential customers and gather their feedback. Based on this feedback, we iterate the product to improve their satisfaction and excite them further. Finally, we launch the product to the market and monitor its performance in relation to customer satisfaction and sales.


The Kano model is a valuable tool for product identification that helps design teams understand customer needs and wants and design products that satisfy and excite them. By classifying a product’s features into three categories, product identification teams can design a product that has all the basic features, contains a balance of linear and exciting features, and is appealing to potential customers. Applying the Kano model can generate numerous benefits, such as improving customer satisfaction, reducing the cost of product development, and increasing long-term customer loyalty.

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